Of what use is
development, when half of your population cannot walk late in the night, all
alone, without fear in mind? This country is no longer safe for child / old / young
/ any women.
So, the inevitable has happened. Nirbhaya / Amaanat / Damini or
whatever name you wish to call, the victim of Delhi Gang Rape has died. While
the nation mourns and the condolences messages keep pouring in, we need to
introspect and ask ourselves what has been the cause of such brutality. As the
Chief Minister of Delhi and Police Commissioner try in vain to pass on the buck,
the serious question in-front of everyone is who is to be blamed?
Is it the incompetent and powerless police force? Either they don’t
have the will or they are under too much political pressure to act against
Is it the government? They have become so apathetic and detached
from the reality that have tried all possible means to stop people from
protesting peacefully. The insecurity has resulted in the cremation of the girl
in a hush-hush manner. They have stopped so low by ridiculing the activists them
Is it the rapists? Think of their mind degenerating to such an
extent to commit such a heinous crime. because they very well know that the law isn’t
strong enough to punish them.
Is it the people? We have become so immune to such incidents
that we are not bothered if the person is not known to us. One should realize that
if these things don’t end then someday, someone we know might end up as victim.
People are out on the street, there is a silent uprising and this
time it is directed towards the establishment. Didn’t the government see it
coming? This ticking time bomb had to explode and time has come. The
government, so detached from the ground reality, is busy trying to silent the
peaceful protestors. Had the government spent half the energy, they spent on
controlling the protest, on tightening the security, Delhi would have been much
safer place.
There is a demand for stricter laws and fast tracking of cases but
do we expect our politicians to frame stricter laws and setting an example when
these are the very people who makes sexist comments like “dented-painted
women”, “paison ke liye national television par thumke lagana”, “women wearing skirts
invites trouble”. Even some of the elected MPs have rape charges leveled against
While we discuss the pros and cons of capital punishment, rights
and wrongs of protests taking place across the country; the question that needs
to be asked is what has led to her death? Why the women don’t feel secure even
in the national / political capital? I am sure laws will be made, culprits will
be punished but the bigger question is what we are doing about it? It is one
thing to blame the law, criminals, government; police or even the establishment
but we should ask ourselves how much we are above the sins? Even today, in
majority of the homes, the birth of male child is more welcomed than a female
child, girl fetus is killed in the womb and newly born girl child is thrown in
the dustbin. Heroines still gets objectified in the movies and the trend is on
the rise in the past few years. Women gets blamed for inviting rape by wearing
provocative dresses and going out late in the night and conveniently we pardon
our sons / male child. Still there are many houses where women have to be in
pardah, can’t go out for work and even not allowed basic fundamental education.
How can we expect this society to improve when the very mindset, of treating
both girl and boy child equal, is missing. Indian society as a whole has
degenerated to such an extent that we view women as an object. They say charity
begins at home; so shouldn’t we make the beginning. Shouldn’t we be the
catalyst of the change we want to bring? Until we cure this disease, till we do
something about it, I am afraid nothing is going to change and women will be on
the receiving end.
Because the sad part is, while you are reading this article,
there will be some gal / women / child getting molested in some part of the
country. And we are doing nothing about it!